Author : Prabhu
Subject : Others
To explore different water-bodies and land-forms around the city, in order to help them understand their characteristics.
Understanding different Water-bodies & Land-forms
FIELD TRIP TO DIFFERENT WATER-BODIES & LAND-FORMS AROUND THE CITY (SEP 2017) - RaK's unique approach to learning by turning nature into classrooms through study tours / field trips right from our play groups to grade school children .Teaching and studying social studies can get a bit boring and monotonous, the reason behind this unique approach to teach the subject by turning nature (water bodies around our city) into classrooms.Raksters were given a chance to see, feel and experience the 11 different water bodies (lakes, dams, river, hills, mountains) running through our city rather than studying about it in their textbooks, and enjoyed lunch outside amongst nature. Taken to the water bodies and a tour around the different land forms around the city rather than just studying about it in the textbooks. Study tours offer a dynamic opportunity to expose children to experiences and explore new things in a rich and educational environment. Through interactive sessions with our tour instructor Mr Saravanan from Canopy , students and our mentors learnt new names of lakes around the city and had a day off from their routine . Through study tours and hands-on play, children get the ability to take ownership of their own learning and develop and explore their own curiosities. This unique exposure provides the foundation for creativity, critical thinking, and connection to the world around them, this is a part of the 21st century schooling."Each step in the school-study tour process is planned in advance by teachers getting the questionnaire / fact sheet for collecting data ready, to incorporating the key questions for each step of the process as they plan the project and as instruction unfolds. The social studies curricular objectives have been mapped in a way that students can use these experiences. Interactive study tours gives children an experience like nothing else can. By turning nature into a classroom, children get a chance to connect, understand, and explore perceptions, feelings, and innovative ideas.