Author : Prabhu
Grade : GRADE 8,GRADE 9,GRADE 10
Subject : Others
To understand the Weather Station established at TNAU and how it helps in monitoring the global warming and climate change impacts on Tamil Nadu Agriculture.
Weather Station
FIELD TRIP TO TNAU’s WEATHER STATION (AUG 2019) - The weather station at TamilNadu Agricultural Univeristy was a unique experience for RaKsters. All the instruments were analog which was set, calibrated and recorded daily (a few several times a day). The observer at the weather station showed the process and explained using comprehensive terms for the students. But the uniqueness of the experience was the peer discussion with G8 and 10 giving more details and explaining to their juniors.#studentledlearning #21stcenturylearning #outdoorclassroom #rakspallikkoodam #igcsecambridgeschoolcoimbatore#flippedclassrooms #FieldTripRaks