Author : Prabhu
Grade : All Grades
Subject : Others
Annual Sports Fest 2018
ANNUAL SPORTS FEST 2018 - Lil & Rak’s Pallikkoodam had decided to go ballistic with their Sports Day Festivities… And our students lurched on with an unflinching grit and determination undeterred by the torrid heat and the blazing sun. Seeing them, smash and dash, dribble, defend and strike forward was sheer joy and for some of us, a pleasant reminiscence of our childhood. Yoga, Welcome March , Drills by our Jr & Grade school children , Formation drills , Obstacle races were the highlights . The showdown was the soccer match between the Fathers of Lil & Raks Pallikkoodam and our Raksters soccer team. Parents, teachers and students were seen leaving with a smile of deep contentment – after all this institution had again showed it – that we do everything in style and spirit- a trait so unique to us and only us.