Author : Prabhu
Grade : All Grades
Subject : Others
9 Bhaje 9 Minutes
Lighting Diyas of Hope
The pandemonium was not something we were expecting.. all along we saw it happen - somewhere close, but not close enough for us to panic. And then it happened. Shutters down, businesses closed, offices locked up and everyone cooped up...We discussed, debated, watched the news day in and day out, sometimes accepting it as inevitable, and sometimes whining about how life just got harder.. Never once did we think about what this would mean for our little ones. Never once did we question ourselves about WHY they had to go through the arduous hassle of being inside a house 24/7 for more than a month...They were just getting ready to complete their examinations, prepare for their year end programme and welcome the long summer holidays... eyes dreamy and hearts joyous, they discussed the vacation plans, hearts simmering with expectations. And then we squashed it all. Nevertheless, children never cease to amaze us. Almost all children, right from a toddler to a teenager have bravely joined in, in the quest to fight off the pandemic. They never complained, never revolted, but silently found ways to limit themselves to the proverbial four walls. They, through their innocent resilience and fortitude have shown us what to do when a catastrophe knocks at our doors. They have taken up the mantle so graciously, that we cannot do anything but salute and follow suit in their gentle and firm footsteps..They lighted up candles, not knowing that they are defying every streak of darkness with every single flame.. Oh that we may learn from them, Oh that each of us can maintain Hope, Faith, Peace and Love!