Author : Prabhu
Grade : All Grades
Subject : Others
The objective of this event was to make the parents take cognizance of the efforts put in by their wards, as, learning in the 21st century, is a concerted effort of the parents, the teachers and the student.
Knowledge Exhibition by Students on the Open House Day
OPEN HOUSE (OCT 2018) - Shoot for the moon and if you miss you’ll be among the stars…Being a 21st century grade school, the larger vision of our school, the yearly designs for the institution, the term-wise propositions, broken down to the weekly and daily plans is all focused towards this end. The sixth of October, the day of the Open House, saw our students rise as nonpareils, presenting unparalleled vigour and agility all that had been learnt during the first term. Breaking from the usual norm of the Open House Day, wherein Parents meet with the teachers, collect the report cards and hurriedly leave, the PTM of our school had parents coming in at the appointed hour for the PTM and staying until the very end.Unmindful of the pouring rains and the stormy weather, the students were organized and primed, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the parents to make their presentations.The classrooms of grades 1 and 2 were zealously adorned with the work done by the students all through the first term. The students proved their prowess in Reading, Vocabulary and Role-play. Every child’s book-review which they had completed meticulously, after a careful reading of a work of fiction over the last month was also on display for the parents to read.Each of the subject corners stood as a tall testimony to the diligent endeavours of our students over the last term. Every student, from grades 3 to 9 was involved in elucidating the concepts learnt during the first quarter. While duplicating all of their enterprise on paper would be a futile attempt, a compendious summary would educe their efforts.ENGLISH: The students of grade 3 spoke about ‘Fables’ – short stories with morals. Grades 4 and 5 brought out to light their learning of proverbs and Newspaper Reporting. Grade 6 engaged the parents in a game of scrabble, (not forgetting to emphasize that it is a great way to build on one’s vocabulary and spellings!) and also deciphering the figurative meanings of idioms and phrases. Grade 7 had us roistering in different board games, enunciating the difference between ‘sports’ and ‘games’. Grade 9 ‘s presentation was thought provoking – the importance of the habit of reading and the correlation between reading and intelligence.MATHEMATICS – The mathematicians of the primary, middle and senior classes had the parents caught in the twirl and tangle of numbers. Workable model of place values and face values, lively demonstrations of area and perimeter by grades 3 and 4 had the parents beaming with delight at the ingenuity of their children! Grades 5 and 6 challenged the parents with number games and puzzles. Grade 7 and 9 proved their conceptual understanding - stupendous sequencing and fractions explained dexterously with musical notes were expectations met to the brim!SCIENCE- The differences and similarities in the three states of matter (grade 3), Pollination and Fertilization in flowers(grade 4), Friction as a form of Force (grade 5) , Streamlining and Aerodynamics both in water and air (grade 6), Simulations in science as used by biomedical engineers (grade 7), Identification of rocks based on colour, streak and hardness (Grade 9 – Environmental Management), Use of Osmosis in treating ailments (both as a part of home remedy and in hospitals- grade 9) – the adroitness of our budding scientists surely gave the Parents and the Mentors the confidence that our students were corralling the skills so vital for the coming years.ICT: The Parents were in for a big epiphany when they were invited politely into the Computer Labs! Students from grades 3 and 4 explained the working of remote-controlled cars and drones. They also effectively impounded the logic behind MSW-LOGO with simple and profound steps. Grades 5 and above had the Parents write and work out programs on the computer.“The larger the sea of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.” This saying couldn’t be more true..The learning and acquisition of skills so effectively imparted at Rak’s has us hitting this shoreline again and again… May this quest for knowledge and the quarry to reach for the stars be carried on.#21stcenturyschool #lifelonglearners