Author : Prabhu
Grade : All Grades
Subject : Others
Promoting Learning for People, Planet, Prosperity and Peace through Art
International Day of Education 2020
INTERNATIONAL DAY OF EDUCATION 2020 - Lil & Rak's Pallikkoodam being an International School in India, we strongly believe that the role of Education reflects the 2020 theme for The International Day of Education which is " Learning for People, Planet, Prosperity and Peace." The 24th of January, 2020 witnessed the entire Lil & Rak's community including Parents, Teachers and Children expressing the 'Voice of Pallikkoodam' through Art to spread awareness and promote the role of Education for Peace, sustainable development and to speak up for children across the globe who are deprived of the fundamental right to Education. The endless expressions echoed through little fingers and paint brushes reinforced the power of Education which can make the world a better place especially for the Future Generations. This initiative, we hope is a small step towards realizing the Dream of a World where every child has the right to Education, a World that is more greener, peaceful and safe. A dream that will continue to be pursued by the Founder and every Child,Teacher and Parent of Pallikkoodam. #educationispower #educationforlife #educationforpeace #internationaldayofeducation2020 #educationforsustainabledevelopment #savetheworld #savetheplanet #righttoeducation #childrighttoeducation #rakspallikkoodam #lilpallikkoodam #internationalschoolcoimbatore