Move your child to future schooling - School 2.0

Skills for the 21st century

School 2.o for Industry 4.0

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Tinkering ideas by making them

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A class that works like a football team

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School 2.0

A Global Approach
“In a 21st century world where jobs can be shipped wherever there’s an Internet connection … a child born in Dallas is now competing with a child in New Delhi.” — President Barack Obama

The 21st century student will sell to the world, buy from the world, work for international companies, compete with people from other countries, manage employees from other cultures, collaborate with people all over the world, and solve global problems.
36 % of our teachers come from a variety of different professional backgrounds

Teaching at Pallikoodam is a rich experience for me, coming from a corporate background, my time with the children is an eventful exploration as I make real life connections from my experience, in a way it gives me meaning to my past life while my look in to the future through their eyes

Teach @ Pallikkoodam